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United Way Romania is a Romanian foundation, registered under Romanian law in June 2004 and affiliated with United Way Worldwide, USA. It is an independent body, separately incorporated and governed locally. The objectives are to engage more companies and individuals in CSR, philanthropic and volunteering activities, to enable social services and NGOs to offer higher quality services to our community members. The organization aims to promote transparency and professionalism to support government institutions and the civil society in their efforts to build prosperous communities. 



United Way Romania’s activities are based on the “Live United” principle, founded on the certitude that, together, relevant actors and community members can contribute to a better life for everyone: quality education leads to a stable job, provides a decent income that can support a family and a good health. This process has helped us to develop a network of collaborators and partners: NGOs, private companies and relevant public institutions, partners who recognize the experience of our organization in finding solutions to the problems of our communities. 



Our vision is of strong, supportive communities committed to helping people reach their potential.



Our mission is to improve the quality of life in our communities through individual giving, corporate giving, and volunteerism.


United Way Romania’s work is focused on three building blocks for a good life: Education - helping children and youth achieve their potential, Income - promoting financial stability and independence and Health - improving people’s health. Advancing the common good is less about helping one person at a time and more about changing systems to help all of us. We are all connected and interdependent. We all win when a child succeeds in school, when people are healthy and when families are financially stable. United Way’s goal is to create long-lasting changes by addressing the underlying causes of these problems. Living united means being a part of the change. It takes everyone in the community working together to create a brighter future.

News About United Way Romania

Nesting a Brighter Future for Children

United Way Romania 2014 - The child ENG