United Way and Kimberly-Clark have joined forces to focus on two critical issues: giving young women a strong start in leadership and advocacy, and helping people live vibrant, fulfilling lives.
As part of Underwareness, a three-year effort by the Depend® brand to remove the stigma of bladder leakage, Kimberly-Clark has invested up to $1.5 million in United Way’s efforts to promote lifelong active and independent living throughout an individual's life. Strategies are now underway across the U.S. and Canada to help seniors stay healthy and engaged through volunteering: creating literacy kits for families with young children, improving community gardens, rehabilitating the exercise rooms of a youth-serving community center and more.
In spring 2015, women from colleges across the U.S. took part in the first United Way Alternative Spring Break powered by Kimberly-Clark and its U by Kotex® brand. Fueled by a passion for empowering women and girls, the participants spent six days in Washington, D.C.engaging in 35 meetings with members of Congress and their staff and volunteering 425 hours of their time. The project was supported by a $150,000 contribution through U By Kotex awareness displays at Walmart.
Kimberly-Clark was recognized by United Way in 2015 for its consumer engagement in both projects. The company was lauded for leveraging cause marketing efforts to engage consumers and raise awareness about critical issues.